(2) All students not described in point (1) must meet the general training requirements for the catalog year in which the student was admitted to Central Washington University in accordance with CWUP 5-90-040 (10). (4) A student who has been readmitted to the university and who has retained three or fewer general education courses in his or her original general education program may apply to meet the general training requirements under the catalogue for the year in which the student was first admitted to the UTM, even if the catalog has expired. Departments and programs that offer courses for the general education program are responsible for providing the data used to evaluate the courses and the program. Pathway Coordinators are responsible for collecting data from departments and programs and sending it to the CTG. The GEC will analyze the data and produce annual reports. The General Education Committee (GEC), in consultation with the Presidium of the Faculty Senate, will set annual deadlines for the submission of general education courses. Once a year, GEC reviews submissions and prepares a program amendment proposal, which must be submitted to the CSCF within the specified timelines for the program (CWUP 5-50-030(2)). Structural changes to the general education program that do not require inclusion in the online electronic catalog or integration with PeopleSoft are discussed in this section. Structural changes in the general education curriculum will have profound effects on the university population. The program will be flexible enough to make reasonable and justifiable improvements to its structure, but the known and reasonably expected benefits of a proposed change must be weighed against the known and reasonably expected costs, both quantifiable and less quantifiable. Faculty are invited and encouraged to propose improvements to the program using the process described in CWUP 5-100-040 (A), (B), (C) and (D). (C) Student evaluation is based on the results of courses and programs.
The evaluation design is determined by the GIC in collaboration with the Office of the Assistant Vice-President. Assessments are designed to assess student achievement. Students are also asked about the perceived value of general education, perceived opportunities to achieve program goals, and other variables related to academic retention and success. The evaluation of the general education programme is carried out on a seven-year cycle. The evaluation of general education ensures alignment with the general philosophy of education, the objectives, the results of the field of knowledge and the criteria of the course. The general education programme is assessed at three levels: programme, course and student. The Gen Ed program requires most students to take twelve (12) courses – three (3) in the Engage stream, eight (8) in the Explore and Connect stream, and one (1) in the Connect, Create, and Empathize streams. A student is invited to explore additional courses outside of the requirements. It should be ensured that the speed of implementation is taken into account, taking into account in particular the expectations and limitations of financial support. Students are encouraged to contact an advisor early on to understand the choices and implications.
The General Training Framework provides an up-to-date list of courses for each component area across the program and is updated annually. Each student`s general education program is displayed in their Academic Requirements Report. (3) For a transfer student without CTA, the Office of the Registrar assesses the relevance of transfer courses (non-CWU) to the requirements of the CWU General Education Program. A student may appeal to the Registrar`s Decision Office regarding transfer courses at the GEC, which consults with the relevant academic departments before making a decision on the appeal. (d) the timing of structural changes. Proposals must be consistent with the general education periods published by the GEC. Structural changes cannot be implemented earlier than the following fall. All changes to the general curriculum (including course supplements, deletions, or revisions) that require inclusion in the online electronic catalog or integration with PeopleSoft (including changes to academic requirements, course supplements, course deletions, and program narrative) are discussed in this section. Credits obtained with the EP/EF mark are not included in the calculation of the weighted averages.