Northumbria University works with Citizens Advice Newcastle and Support Through Court, legal charities that advise, support and promote access to justice for individuals. You will have the opportunity, subject to a successful application, to volunteer with these organisations to develop your legal skills, improve your employability and provide advice, assistance and/or support to individuals. You may also have the opportunity to work in Northumbria University`s multi-award winning student law firm (subject to availability) where you will provide legal advice to the public under the supervision of qualified barristers/lawyers. The first semester legal research project is an opportunity to conduct in-depth legal research on a topic you are truly passionate about, led by a tutor with relevant expertise. This then feeds into your thesis module, which is run simultaneously. Level 1 – The three core areas of business law and practice, property law and practice, and litigation are taught and assessed, as well as will and estate administration, attorneys` accounts and professional conduct. Legal writing, interviewing and consulting, writing, research and advocacy skills are taught and assessed in the context of core subjects. ETS 1 is defined and evaluated externally by the Solicitor Regulation Authority (SRA) in accordance with the requirements of professional associations. To prepare for this, SQE 1 preparation modules are integrated into the program structure. You will also be supported by submitting practical answers and tests via our eLearning portal. If you studied a qualification outside the UK, you can see how your qualifications compare to the standard eligibility criteria by selecting the country where you obtained the qualification on our country pages. Visit you will be supported and encouraged to work with legal aid organizations, where you will have the opportunity to experience real legal affairs and work with professionals from various legal fields.

The module content complies with the SRA assessment specification for SQE1. You will learn the relevant fundamental legal principles and rules at the level of a competent lawyer newly qualified in practice and apply them to realistic client-oriented and ethical issues and situations in the following areas: The key elements of a real estate transaction and/or commercial or rental real estate. Survey of a registered or unregistered property and/or hereditary building right. Pre-contractual research and surveys carried out when acquiring real estate and/or a hereditary building right. Steps to follow to further develop a real estate and/or leased transaction for contract exchange. Pre-completion steps relevant to a real estate and/or leasehold transaction. Completion and post-completion steps relevant to a real estate and/or leasehold transaction, including remedies for late completion. The granting and assignment of a commercial lease and/or sublease. The main leases in a commercial lease and the law relating to their infringement. Rental guarantee under the Landlords and Tenants Act 1954, Part II. Taxation of real estate transactions by stamp duty Property tax, land transaction tax, VAT and capital gains tax.

This module therefore accompanies you in the preparation for the SQE1 assessment in real estate law and practice. This module is one of the elective courses offered to students during Phase 2 of the Legal Practice course and is part of the General Practice Route elective group. The objective of the module is to introduce students of the legal internship to four main areas of labour law:1. The employment relationship, the employment contract and the legal rights that arise in the context of the employment relationship2. The main legal and customary rights arising from the termination of the employment relationship3. Unlawful Discrimination Acts.4 After completing the General Labour Law module, students should have a good understanding of the main areas of labour law, individual practice and procedure. The module is delivered through a combination of large group sessions, breakout sessions, directed and independent learning. The module is assessed by examination. This module is one of the elective courses available to students during Phase 2 of the Legal Practice course and is part of the Trade Route and General Practice Route elective groups. This module is of interest to any student entering business practice or niche IP practice.

The law in this area deals with the protection of ideas and is becoming increasingly important as individuals and businesses seek to identify and protect their intellectual property. At the end of the IP elective career, students should have a general understanding of the law and practice associated with the identification, acquisition, protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights. Legal drafting skills and practical legal research are also developed in the preparation and workshop sessions. The module is delivered through a combination of large group sessions, breakout sessions, directed and independent learning. The module is assessed by examination. After completing your CAP assessments in May, you will complete your project or portfolio. You will learn through a combination of tutor-led, independent learning and reflective practice. The module contains advanced teaching elements of research skills to support you in your learning. In addition, you will be assigned a project supervisor for your project, who will give you formative feedback on the research and writing of your project. Your summative assessment for the module is an 8,000 to 10,000 word research project related to a field of study as part of your CAP. The content of this module complies with the SRA assessment specification for SQE1:1. The validity of a will and the interpretation of the contents of a will.

The distribution of testamentary successions, intestate and partially intestate intestate.2. Law and practice in the context of a request for representation.3. Law and practice of inheritance tax on gifts for life and transfers upon death.4. The planning, administration and development of the administration of an estate, including rights under the Succession (Provisions for Families and Dependants) Act 1975.5. The law and practice concerning personal representatives and trustees in the administration of estates and resulting trusts. The rights, powers and remedies of the beneficiaries of wills and trusts resulting therefrom. By the end of this module, you will be able to apply relevant fundamental legal principles and rules appropriately and effectively to realistic and ethical client-centred issues and situations in the field of wills and estate administration. The module guides you through how wills are drafted, executed and revoked. You will learn the rules of intestate and how to distribute and manage an estate. You will learn more about inheritance tax and the impact on lifetime gifts and an estate in the event of death. You will learn about valuing an estate for estate tax purposes, creating estate accounts and making claims against the estate.

This module helps you prepare for the SQE1 exam in testamentary and estate administration.

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