Guidelines based on one`s own ethics and morals. How to live with others. The most important concepts and principles of proper human behavior. Socially, it is the collective of universal values that treats every human being equally, recognizes human and natural rights, obeys the law of the land, shows health and safety concerns, cares about the natural environment. Refer to morality. Britannica English: Translation of ethics for Arabic-speaking « ethics ». Legal Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Retrieved 11 October 2022. A code of professional responsibility that sets out generally accepted standards of conduct for lawyers and members of the bar, including the relationship between lawyer and client. Morality given as a principle. Should create trust, good behavior, fairness and kindness. Typically occurs in an enterprise environment for an organization.
Powered by Black`s Law Dictionary, Free 2nd ed. and The Law Dictionary. Depends on the moral code of society. The personal code is often different from the public code and often from the legal code. What we hear is what is right, just and just in our relationships with people. Supposedly based on high self-imposed standards of public behavior. Originally equivalent to « moral, » it is now more equivalent to « legitimate » due to a late 20th century split into private vs. public morality.