Direct questions about rejection or non-U.S. Military service. The U.S. EEOC sets ground rules for illegal questions that an employer cannot ask. Ask all candidates the same questions on this topic. Asking only women about evening work can be discriminatory because it is linked to questions about marital status. The signature of the application, whether by pen or online, confirms that all information provided by the applicant is true. If background checks are not used for a protected group, these are not inappropriate interview questions. You may think interviewers are curious (which they might be), but these questions appear as a way for employers to find out if you`re engaged in the work and the company. Applications cannot include questions about disabilities and physical characteristics. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits any investigation of past or current health problems and medical conditions. Even the issue of a person`s height and weight is against the law in some situations where certain demographic groups are discriminated against.

Some positions require fitness tests, such as firefighters, and medical examinations, such as truck drivers. Employers must be able to demonstrate that physical standards are directly related to job performance and functionality. Employers may ask whether candidates can perform essential job duties with or without accommodation. Military Release Information: Questions relating to work experience and training are allowed. However, an employer should not ask an applicant why they were released from the military or require them to see the Military Release Documents (DD-214) unless it is directly related to the job or to determine the Veteran`s preference. Questions about military discharge could lead to information about the medical disabilities of an applicant protected by the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). They can also have different effects due to race or violation of state military anti-discrimination laws. In order to obtain information on a candidate`s military service, an employer is allowed to inquire about military service data, duties performed, rank at the time of release, payment during service and at the time of release, training received and professional experience. Before a job offer is made, you cannot ask questions about a candidate`s disability or questions that may show whether a candidate has a disability. This applies even if the disability is obvious. You can ask the candidate to describe or demonstrate how she would perform certain tasks, but you cannot ask about her disability.

When interviewers ask these questions, they may be interested in learning more about your commitment to a church, but they probably really ask you if you can work certain days or hours. It`s a gray area when an interviewer asks a question like « Can you work on Sunday mornings? » but they should never associate these questions with religion. Questions about a candidate`s employment history, education, and other qualifications are legal because they prove a person`s suitability for the position. Employers can ask what degrees a candidate has earned, what certifications and licenses they have, and what university they attended. Most inquiries about disability and medical matters are considered illegal interview questions. Employers can only ask, « Can you do the work? » Criminal History: Many state and local laws, often referred to as « banish the box » laws, require employers to remove criminal questions from job applications in order to protect applicants and candidates convicted of a criminal from automatic disqualification during the selection process. The employer asked illegal interview questions. Now you want to take a shower or at least wash your hands. Height and weight can be related to running. Therefore, these are illegal interview questions. Do you want to be ready to answer the most common legal interview questions and land your dream job? Let Our Guide Improve Your Interview Skills: Common Interview Questions and Better Answers The issue of arrest records can be illegal interview questions in some states. Asking questions about these issues can lead to allegations of discrimination, an investigation by the United States.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and possibly a lawsuit if the problem cannot be resolved. Employers must follow strict guidelines when evaluating candidates. For example, they cannot ask questions about an applicant`s age or marital status and must limit their assessment to questions directly related to the person`s experience and qualifications.

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