Unbridled means wild or out of control. Unruly children could run into the supermarket, throw cereal boxes off the shelves and completely annoy customers. And a creeping pain in my head, supported by a medium-sized tear in my scalp, didn`t inspire optimism at that time. They want to wrest control of New York City schools from Mayor Bill de Blasio and make privatization endemic. Since prescription drug abuse is prevalent in the United States, New York is taking steps to stop it. Various Prospect facilities in California had bed bugs in patients` rooms, creeping water leaks from ceilings and what a hospital official confirmed to a state inspector « looks like feces » on the wall. « Tommy Atkins » was all the rage at the time, and what might be called « distracted begging » was endemic. Abuse of power among senior officials is reported to be widespread. Mail-in ballots – and elections in general – are subject to widespread fraud. If you are endemic, riot. Both come from the French word crawler and mean « to climb, crawl » like an animal on hind legs, legs in climbing mode or like wild plants like kudzu that ran on an old barn until everything was covered.

There may also be endemic wildfires destroying homes in the southwest, or robots crawling into the lab after the caretaker accidentally frees them. When Booker took office, his half a million voters were struggling with high unemployment and endemic poverty. However, it is only a cheap substitute for authority and rightly belongs to the creeping chauvinism of a bygone era. The uproar and license that usually characterize a general election was more widespread and intolerant than usual. Over the past week, young Nigerians have stepped up their protests – online and offline – against widespread police brutality. This spoke to the fact that there is currently a lot of rampant speculation bordering on conspiracy theories, although the truth is that we don`t know much. Since under-reporting is widespread, the actual numbers are likely to be much higher. Misinformation about the vote, the election and the two presidential candidates is already widespread on Facebook and all other media platforms, and is spread by foreign and domestic actors.

How all this will develop is a subject of unbridled speculation. The government has no evidence that a widespread conspiracy is rampant in the west of Ireland. Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press! Find the answers online with Practical English Usage, your go-to guide to problems in English. Find out which words work together and create more natural English with the Oxford Collocations Dictionary app.

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