Find out which words work together and create more natural English with the Oxford Collocations Dictionary app. OK, so he drank to excess, but he no longer participates. Middle English enbiben absorb, make absorb, from Latin imbibere drink, absorb, from in- + beaver to drink – no more to drink single or spoken, everyone has enough reasons to drink during the most loved/hated holiday. Sutherland is perhaps the most accurate in his intoxication of all the celebrities known for ostensibly drinking. Although the verb imbibe means to absorb liquids of any kind, if you don`t specify the liquid, people will probably conclude that you mean an alcoholic beverage. You can also use it figuratively. If you have absorbed all the details of every battle of the American Civil War, you must find the topic interesting. M. de Voltaire, it is said, was never able to absorb these feelings in France. Anneli Rufus on 15 statistics that predict your drinking tendency. Add Imbibe to one of your following lists or create a new one. As for those who receive the spirit of their Master, one can truly say, « No man lives for himself. » Animal miasmas, like all other toxins, become more active in proportion to the amount we ingest. At the very least, they set a tone and mindset that ordinary Liberals embrace and accept.

The farmers drink a little noisy cheerfulness in the tavern, but their helpers always have serious and stern faces. Imbibe is a fancy word for « drink. » If you need to drink ten cups of coffee just to get out of the house, you may have a caffeine problem. Nothing was more natural than two of these women absorbing the deepest tenderness for each other. One of the main consequences of alcohol consumption is dehydration – your liver uses a lot of water in your body to process and break down alcohol, resulting in the loss of all other organs, including your skin. Some attempt to address the concerns of customers who unknowingly drink too much with chemometrics — scientific lab reports that serve as nutritional facts for the herb. When it came time to follow in Holiday`s footsteps, she did extensive research and even went so far as to turn into a singer by drinking and chain-smoking. Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press! The show also features the ghost of stars drinking at the table, which fits well with a viral age. Stories are powerful because they are vehicles for absorbing moral worldviews. Find the answers online with Practical English Usage, your go-to guide to problems in English.

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